Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What to Do!

Okay I got up early today...(took a mental health day from work)...all set to take the pictures of my new cards I made and also of the "stuff" I wanted to share....wouldn't you know it, the batteries are dead in the camera and it is -38 out with the needless to say I am not making a trip to town for batteries.......

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary...Trev and I have been married for 15 years tomorrow.....oh how the time has gone....for the most part it has been smooth sailing...we have had the storms mixed in....but we always manage to weather them together......I look at him each morning...and realize that I love him more and more each is funny cause when I first met him....I was not interested at all.....he kept chasing me till' I caught him....or at least that is how he puts it.....I made a card for him and really wanted to share it on here.....but oh well I guess I will share it later in the week.....

So happy anniversary Trevor....I love you!

Hopefully I can find some batteries some where in this hours and get some pictures posted later today!

Later Gators!


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