Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Wedding!


I am getting ready to complete the wedding invitations for my son and soon to be daughter-in-law....this brings back so many memories for son always the strong one...and never really gave me any problems....he was very much into football...and I could always find him either at the football field...watching football...or hanging with his football buds....he is getting married in November of this year and he will be 29 when he takes his vow.....

It just seems like yesterday that he was born all 10 pounds of him.....yep....he was always a goer...and kept me on his toes...he was so proud to be a big brother as each of his sisters were born....although he was not sure of I was pregnant for the 3rd time...he told me he was going to have another sister and she was going to be named that is what it was in the end....he and his sisters have a special bond and it continues to grow as they grow into wonderful adults....

As young children, I divorced the children's father...I know it was hard on my son....and I allowed him to spend as much time as he wanted with his dad....he often lived with him for a school year at a time....although this was hard on allowed a special bond to be built between him and his dad....

Michael grew up so fast and the years speed on.....he went to work in Churchill one summer and met a girl who is now going to be his wife...I remember when he brought Brenda home for the first is a wonder she ever came invited family and friends to come and meet her...cause I just new in my heart she was the one...

Brenda joined Michael here in the south as they started to make a life together....but in her heart she was homesick....Michael sent her home to be with her family and joined her a couple of months this couple two beautiful little girls were born, making their family a family of three children.....Brenda has a wonderful son named Rayn....he looks so much like Michael did when he was young it is uncanny....Michael has accepted Rayn as one of his own....I am so proud of my son....even if I do not tell him very often.....

So now they are going to take the next step in their life and for this I am so grateful.....

Mike and Brenda I love you two so much and am so proud of what you have accomplished so far, I look so forward to helping you along this journey as we plan and prepare for your special day.....

Love Mom xoxoxoxo
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1 comment:

kc_froglady said...

congratulations to you all! I bet it will be a wonderful wedding. Are they marrying by you or up home?